Block machines and producing quality products at affordable costs can be a wise choice in terms of entering the construction industry. It is also possible to rise quickly from the beginner level with the right decisions and actions.

It will be noticed that many components used for production become cost-effective after the block machines are purchased. What needs to be done to achieve a high profit margin is to conduct detailed market research before making the purchase and to choose the solution that best suits your planning.

Block Machines for Sale

When you decide to buy a block machine, even with a little research on the internet, you may encounter many companies or products. These machines can be confusing as they are not easily accessible by going to a manufacturer near you. If you are considering entering the industry new and you do not have enough knowledge about the subject, you may find it difficult to choose between many similar products.

It is possible to come across low-quality, non-durable material components and machines produced without adequate R&D work in the market. In addition, low-quality copies of the original products of some companies are also encountered. Although it is possible to copy the physical appearance of a machine, it is not possible to copy the knowledge and experience in the production process.

Poor quality products purchased without good research begin to malfunction over time and need repair. Therefore, the fee to be paid to the technical service is added to the cost. After a detailed research process, a much clearer picture will emerge. Many question marks are removed, not only in terms of cost calculation, but also in terms of your needs and priorities.

Fully Automatic Parquet Machine

Block machines are products that contain many electronic and mechanical parts. It is necessary to pay attention to the availability of quality spare parts in order for these machines to work at full performance and to have a long life. The machines to be purchased must have valid and approved certificates from the competent authorities.

manufacturer, from which the device will be purchased, can provide reports on concrete block making machines that include details such as production date, number and technical competence of the factory. For example, it is an important detail that the material that sustains the physical structure of the machine is high quality steel. The profit that the machines used for many years will provide to the enterprise will also increase.

Produced concrete blocks can consist of different materials. Provided that the mold is changed, pumice , briquette, keystone, rain gutter, grass stone or brick can be obtained with these machines. For this reason, block machines are also called as briquette machine or paving stone machine.

Briquette machines can be examined in three parts according to their working principles.

  • fully automatic briquette machine
  • semi automatic briquette machine
  • manual briquette machine

Globmac Service and Support Quality

Globmac is one of the leading global manufacturers with its pre-sales and after-sales services in the field of block machines. In purchases, installation processes are carried out under the control of expert engineers. Starting from the transportation process, it can be ensured that the working environment is more efficient and safe by giving the necessary training to the personnel after the installation.

Machines must have a well-developed pressure system in order to produce durable blocks. Otherwise, situations such as collapse or damage of buildings made of poor quality blocks may occur.

We extend the life of your machine by providing routine maintenance services for possible malfunctions in the machine you purchased, and we work to minimize your loss of time and money. Block or briquette machines are high performance products that meet all the requirements for concrete block production.

2 Hand Briquette Machine Prices

In addition to being light, the briquette also provides good sound and heat insulation. It is a solid material obtained using rocks. All these features have made it one of the most preferred building materials. New or used briquette or pumice machine prices are affected by certain parameters, some of which you can find in the list below.

  • The company’s R & D studies and the density of the material used in the product
  • Exchange rates due to some imported parts
  • Price policies of the manufacturer or seller
  • Technical specifications of the machine
  • Costs in the process of procuring parts for raw materials
  • Daily production capacity of the machine
  • Type of device: manual, automatic or semi-automatic

Block or briquette machines create a mortar by mixing natural stone pieces with cement and water. The form of the mortar transferred to the mold is called the briquette mold. Then, production takes place in the desired size and shape options. Making briquettes by hand is the human-powered version of this process. Manual production has very low performance compared to the working speed and volume of the machines.

Concrete Block Making Machine For Sale


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